1. If you could buy any car, money not an option, what would it be?
It would be an SUV...honestly, the one car that I REALLY wanted was a Toyota Corolla, and I have one...but if I were to bet something new, it would have more room in it...and be a pretty red color...like Nissan or Lexus red...but I really don't car what kind it is...
2. What was your worst first date ever?
There was the time i went out with this guy and he took a turn so fast that the door flew open-and luckily I was wearing a seat belt (I am an avid seat belt wearer-I do it a lot because I like it...and it's the law) so I didn't fly out too...
3. How old were you when you fell in love for the first time?
Ahhh....young love...actually Hubs is my first REAL love. I thought I knew what love was until I found him (I know, you just threw up a little bit in your mouth didn't you? I don't blame you I would have the same reaction if I was you...) but we met when I was 19 and about a.5 years later I knew it was love
4. When was the last time you reconciled your checkbook?
Psshhh...I am just going to skip this one...But as a fun story my friend Candi used to balance hers while driving...
5. If you were going to fashion a "Wanted" Ad for a best friend, how would you word it?
Must be AWESOME-must like having a good time doing anything, MUST BE FUNNY, honest, outgoing, caring, must be able to tell me when my butt looks big or when there is something in my teeth or on my face...or when anything is out of place...needs to be able to bring me up when I am down and down when I am too full of myself for my own good...Must love Hannah...Needs to like driving, because I HATE it...
Come on...you know you want to play too!
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